
Tips for the correct use of your cell phone

1. No need to shout: Despite the smaller handsets now available, your callers can hear you just as well on a wireless phone as on a regular phone. Keep your voice to a low, conversational tone.

2. Watch your tone: Downloading the latest ring tone has become extremely popular among wireless users, and you can still keep your personal style without distracting others. Turn down the ring volume or place the handset on vibrate when in public settings.

3. Put People in Front, First: Always put the people you’re with first, not the person calling you. If you absolutely must take the call, be sure to let people know in advance that you’re expecting a call and excuse yourself from the conversation.

4. Mind you multi-tasking: Wireless phones are great tools for living and working more efficiently. However, it can also be discourteous to chat on your cell phone when people are assisting you in stores, banks or other locations.

5. Keep it private: Personal and business conversations are better off remaining private, especially when emotion is involved. Don’t forget to pay attention to your surroundings and be discreet. Text messaging during meetings is also considered bad manners and causes distraction to the speaker and those in attendance.

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