
Tips for cell phone photography

Wait to edit your photos on your computer rather than using the camera phone's built-in editing buttons. You'll get better-quality images.

Don't throw away mistakes. If they don't look good on your phone, you may be able to save them while editing them on your computer.

Avoid using the digital zoom. The zoom lenses on phone cameras still fall short of the quality of standard digital cameras. However, the new "optical zooms" are better - as long as they don't enlarge your subject by enlarging pixels.

Experiment with white balance. An increasing number of camera phones come with adjustable white balance that allows you to modify color balance based on shooting conditions.

Practice. That's the beauty of digital photography.

Keep your lens clean. This includes fingerprints, which are a common problem on phones. Regularly clean the lens using a soft cloth, such as sunglass-cleaning cloths.

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