
How to lower your cell phone bill

If you are looking to cut costs, you might want to start with your cell phone bill.

1 comment:

Dylan Breslin-Barnhart said...

Another major method that thousands of wireless subscribers are using to combat unnecessary charges is to have their cell bill analyzed through the website http://www.fixmycellbill.com by a company that I work for called Validas. Validas that reduces the average person's cell bill by 22 percent. You upload your bill and find out for free if you're one of the eight in ten wireless customers being overcharged, and if so, by how much. If you choose, Validas provides an additional highly detailed and personalized adjustment report that, for five bucks, is emailed to your wireless provider in industry specific format in order to implement Validas's cash saving changes to your plan. If Validas can save you more than $5 on your bill (the average customer currently saves $480 annually through Validas), then this obviously provides a cost effective remedy for reducing cellular expenses.

Validas is becoming known as the preeminent advocate for the wireless consumer. Check out Validas in the media:

on CNBC at: http://www.cnbc.com/id/22782456/

in Business Week at: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/08_17/c4081plus912142.htm?chan=magazine+channel_personal+business

and in the New York Times at: http://gadgetwise.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/validas/

Good luck to everyone reading on trimming down your wireless expenses.