
Zoo ring tones

Imagine the contact calls of the National Zoo’s giant pandas alerting you to an incoming call on your cell phone. Or the roar of Soyono, the Sumatran tiger, or the snarls of Luke, the African lion. These are just some of the wonderful wildlife sounds offered at the National Zoo's ringtone store, the only place where your purchase of animal ringtones for your cell phone supports the National Zoo.

The zoo will continue to add ring tones throughout 2008 and encourage you to get some ringtones today—a purring cheetah for calls from Mom? A braying Grevy’s zebra for calls from Dad?—and come back later. Sample the wild sounds, check your phone compatibility, and make your purchase. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Zoo; we will receive 40 percent of the proceeds from purchases of Zoo animals’ sounds, and 25 percent for sounds from the wild. This store, a collaboration between Conservation Calling and Friends of the National Zoo, is not a subscription service; there are no hidden charges or fees. Each ringtone is a one-time purchase.

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