
Switch to satellite TV

Tired of the fuzzy picture on your TV screen? Or the cable going out at the most inopportune moment? Satellite may have seemed more costly upfront when it first surfaced, but these days it can be a better value than cable and just makes sense. Cable TV has been around so long now. You know exactly what you're getting; it's the old stand by. But you may not like what you get, or feel like you have a choice about what you get. Now you do and it's just as easy, too.

Satellite TV, such as DIRECTV, gives you a TV viewing experience in a whole new dimension. While cable is known to go down for the same reasons as your electricity does, satellites don't get blown out of orbit. You don't have to worry about not having service on the day of the big game or missing the grand finale of your favorite show. Satellite offers family friendly viewing with channels like Disney and Discovery, and with parental controls in place for the channels and shows you don't want your kids to watch. And now that the technology has been around for a while, it's very user- friendly.

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