
T-Mobile UK Blocking Mobile VoIP Start-Up

Of course HUGE and MONOPOLISTIC mobile providers are going to be able to eliminate the younger and smaller competition out of market, ESPECIALLY if it heavily threatens their profitability. Why do you think that it has taken forever for a mobile phone manufacturer to include some kind of Skype-enabled consumer phone? It has been shown that mobile providers are not willing to allow even the smallest cracks of "the different" to enter the surface.

Plus, even if this company were to get some kind of an edge on T-Mobile/Deutsch Telekom, they have a MUCH LARGER budget for developing new solutions to trumph current IP implementations, as well as reasons why IP mobile does not work right now. In short, I think it will be a while before we start seeing IP-based mobile networks on the rise, and chances are that those networks will come from the big players before anything (at least in the US, anyway).

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